While it may sound strange when you first see it, it is actually true. Every time you write a description for a tip, you have to answer some questions to yourself first, before someone else will use your picks and risk their own money.
I know it quite well, as my first descriptions as a tipster came more than ten years ago. By that time I quickly understood, if I can not give someone else a few sentences why I make one tip or another, I either don’t have real reasons or they are just too weak. In many ways that changed my betting, too. I started betting less and gathering information more. It’s not about how many picks you can make, it’s about how you can separate bets with value and bets that may seem probable, but have no value at all.
If you can not bet it, then don’t. I use till this day, because as easy as it sounds, you will not want to miss good/great bets. That is also the reason you don’t have to question yourself after the match or blame others for last second losses. You have to know you did the best you could and it stops right here.
So anyways…what’s so important about descriptions? There is no short answer, but for many your descriptions will mean more than the stats you have in units or even in yield percentage. In the beginning that is, at least. There are also many examples of tipsters who start with bad runs that may last even more than few months, but they stay true to what they do and in the end they are among the best and they make the most real profit. There are as many examples how tipsters with most profit in short term start losing month after month. Every investor with some experience has seen that.
There are almost no coincidences in the long run. If you are able to explain why you make certain tips, why you think the odds are set wrong etc., you are much more likely to be a successful tipster and a bettor, too.
On StakeHunters it will always be up to you, if you want to be free or paid tipster, if you want to write predictions or just post picks, build your history and statistics. Be true to yourself and do the best you can. The results will come and we are here to help you.

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