Top writer

Show that you have an ability to not only predict the outcomes, but are also capable of writing good analysis and explaining your decisions. For each prediction with 80 and more words, you receive a golden border and most views. Reach 50+ golden border predictions and earn extra money. Competition starts on January 1st 2020.
The more predictions with descriptions you have, the more additional money you get.
- 50 golden predictions get: 15 $
- 100 golden predictions get extra: 20 $
- 250 golden predictions get extra: 50 $
- 500 golden predictions get extra: 75 $
- 1000 golden predictions get extra: 200 $
Write 1000 golden predictions - earn extra 360 $ in total
"Top writer" rules and conditions:
1. Competition starts on 2020 01 01
2. The achievement will be given during 10 days after receiving any new level.
3. Users with enough golden predicitons from the past will earn achievements and highest positions in the Top writers table, but predictions prior 2020 do not count in the competition.
3. Prizes will be transferred as cash to players Paypal, Skrill, or accounts.
4. Player must have positive balance to be eligible for any prize.
5. All StakeHunters general rules apply. In the case of any disputes, the decision taken by Stakehunters shall be final.
The number of tips

Post 500 tips and prove that other Hunters should trust you. Earn achievement and also the option to grade your results yourself faster.
"The number of tips" rules and conditions:
1. Achievement is permanent
2. All results will still be double-checked by our team and any mistake you make regarding the results has to be reported immediatelly to avoid account suspension.
3. All StakeHunters general rules apply.
Sports Expert

Show that you are the best in your favourite sport. Earn unique achievement which shows your level of knowledge in football, basketball, ice hockey, tennis, or American football. Become an expert in one sport and pay 50% less in commission (5% instead of 10%). Become an expert in two sports and pay no commissions at all for all your sales.
"Sports Expert" rules and conditions:
1. The achievement will be given to tipster who has the highest profit in units with a minimum of 100 predictions in particular sport.
2. Achievement is temporary (rotational), if any other tipster will reach better results you will lose your achievement as the current month ends.
3. Pay 50% less commision for all withdrawals while you are in top position for any of sports.
4. 0% commision for all your withdrawals as you manage to become an expert in two sports at the time.
5. All StakeHunters general rules apply. In the case of any disputes, the decision taken by Stakehunters shall be final.
Tipster of the month
(competition paused until further notice)

How good are you really in sports predictions? Prove your knowledge of sports and sports betting. Compete against other tipsters each month for 500 Euro prize pool. Competition is free and open to participate, you will only have to make predictions on StakeHunters platform.
End the month in the Top 3 of the "Tipster of the month" table and earn prizes:
1st place: 250 eur
2nd place: 150 eur
3rd place: 100 eur
"Tipster of the month" rules and conditions:
1. Competition starts on 2020 January 1st. Earlier results do not count for money prizes.
2. Achievement becomes active and winners are confirmed during five days of the following month.
3. Prizes will be transferred to Stakehunters accounts until the 15th day of the following month.
4. All StakeHunters general rules apply. In the case of any disputes, the decision taken by Stakehunters shall be final.
Check full tipster of the month standings